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The Longest Served Prison Sentence In Iowa
The Longest Served Prison Sentence In Iowa
The Longest Served Prison Sentence In Iowa
Warren Nutter would pass away in prison after serving 65 years making him the longest serving prisoner in Iowa at this time. It is actually very close to Francis Clifford Smith who actually survived his life sentence.
These Abandoned Illinois Buildings Are Very Popular Spots
These Abandoned Illinois Buildings Are Very Popular Spots
These Abandoned Illinois Buildings Are Very Popular Spots
Illinois has a lot of memorable places that have gone into ruins over time. Many places either shut down after they passed their prime, or were destroyed by a natural disaster. All these spots have a long history, and while they are still up today...
This Is The Fastest Drive-Thru In Illinois
This Is The Fastest Drive-Thru In Illinois
This Is The Fastest Drive-Thru In Illinois
In today's world we are all in a hurry. That extra five minutes really does mean a lot. So it brings up the question... what is the fastest drive-thru in Illinois?
Stay Away From These 7 Animals In Iowa
Stay Away From These 7 Animals In Iowa
Stay Away From These 7 Animals In Iowa
Sometimes it's good to get a refresher on which animals are the best to stay very far away from. Some of these animals are a bit smaller in Iowa, but still very dangerous, and even venomous.
There Is An Abandoned Cold War Missile Silo In Wisconsin
There Is An Abandoned Cold War Missile Silo In Wisconsin
There Is An Abandoned Cold War Missile Silo In Wisconsin
Obviously, America and many other countries put a lot of thought into nuclear warfare which has led to missile silos being created throughout the country. Not only that but plenty of other Missile silos were created around the USA as well. Today we will be looking at one of those sites. Over the years many of these sites have been abandoned.

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