57 Year Old Wisconsin Woman, Biggest Drug Dealer in State History?
When you watch movies or tv shows, the visual of what a "drug dealer" is has a look. Some shady character, looks mean and tough...Kinda like 57 year old Lori Merget of Wisconsin, wait..
Lori lived in Campbellsport, Wisconsin. There was no drug layer, no massive car with tinted windows...just a 57 year old woman selling pills from her kitchen! JSONLINE
Lori had prescriptions for oxycodone, and could obtain 450 a month! What kind of pain is that, wow! Well she would sell these and others she would get from street dealers, from her purse in her kitchen. Yep, grandma would even include a piece of stale hard candy from the bottom of her purse, if you let her pinch your cheeks.
Also for an added bonus, 57 year old Lori was also dealing heroin from her kitchen too! I can imagine her baking cookies, dealing the "H" and slinging pills while listening to The Carpenter's on vinyl.
So the cops count wind of gma and her sales, set up informants and tracked her for awhile until they finally made their move on her.
Between West Bend and Fond du Lac in Wisconsin, Lori had the area covered. Pills and heroin for all. Seriously how do doctors prescribe this woman 450 pills a month?
Anyway, she had kids and helpers that were in on all of this too:
Duncan, Kreif, Spang, Simons, Hanson and Lori Merget were all charged with various drug stuff. Pills, heroin, selling, possession, distributing...etc.