Gabe Glidden, no relation to the paint company, was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and knows more than he'd like to admit about the misery of cheering for those sports teams. He has worked in radio broadcasting since 2014, all of that time spent in the Midwest. Claiming to be the creator of the world-famous Flannel Fridays, which may or may not be true, he's been playing guitar since age 11. Music is in his blood!
Surprising: I Thought Iowa Farm Hands Would Make More?
How much do farm workers make in Iowa?
Is Iowa One of the Least Expensive States to Own a Dog?
How expensive is owning a dog in Iowa?
Midwestern Angler Wasn’t Planning on Catching One of These [VIDEO]
A midwestern angler catches a cat who is now a member of the family
Iowa Parents Should Be Wary if Your Kids Have These
Energy drinks have caused and increase in calls to poison control centers
Eastern Iowa Postal Worker Hangs Up His Mailbag After 65 Years
Eastern Iowa mailman retires after 65 years.
Hey Iowa, Have You Ever Seen a Bald Eagle That is ‘Too Fat to Fly?’ [PHOTOS]
A Midwest bald eagle was too fat to fly
Wait, Iowa is Covered By How Much Corn?!
How much of Iowa is covered by cornfields?
What is a Small Town and How Many of Them Are There in Iowa?
How many small towns are in Iowa?
Eastern Iowa Farmer Could Lose Millions From 3rd Wind Turbine Fire
Wind turbine catches fire on Iowa farm and could cost millions to clean up.
Iowa’s Big Grove Brewery Has a New Beer That Will Help Plant More Trees
Big Grover Brewery has a new beer