Craig’s List: 4 Things to Know – 2/13/18
It's Mardi Gras. Grab some beads and indulge in whatever you're giving up for Lent.
1 - Skies will remain mostly cloudy for the next few days, but with the clouds come milder temps. Your Local 4 News Pinpoint Forecast is here.
2 - Another pair of tickets for the It's A Mystery show are up for grabs at about 7:20am this morning. I also have a certificate for a half-dozen red roses from The Green Thumbers for your Valentine to giveaway. Listen for your cue to call for those at 8:20am.
3 - The Outdoor Show is coming up this weekend. Fishing, boating and lots of other outdoor stuff will be on display at the QCCA Expo Center. More entertainment news when we do That Entertainment Thing at around 8:30am.
4 - The Quad City Steamwheelers are back and kick off their season in a little over a week. Details and more scores when we d That Sports Thing at about 7:30am.
Have a great Fat Tuesday.
- Craig