Davenport School District to Shut at Least One School
Superintendent of the Davenport School District, Art Tate, is quoted in the Quad City Times that the school district doesn't have an option to not close a school. Tate's quote comes from the Committee of the Whole meeting from Monday Night where he presented four options administrators came up with that would result in the closing of at least one school building. Here are the plans according to the article in the Quad City Times:
- Option one closes one high school building. Kids in grades 10, 11 and 12 would attend the other two high schools. Kids in grades seven through nine would attend five intermediate schools and there would be 18 schools serving kids in pre-school to grade 6.
- Option two has the district implementing a pre-school through grade 6 elementary model. Grade seven and eight students from Williams Intermediate would attend one of the other four intermediate schools and students attending Adams elementary would move to the Williams building. The Adams building would be closed.
- Option three closes Washington and Buchanan elementary schools with the other schools absorbing those students.
- Option four makes all elementary schools pre-school or kindergarten through grade 6. All current intermediate schools would be for grades seven and eight. The Monroe elementary building would be closed.
The administrative committee that came up with the options considered a variety of factors including general fund net savings, student safety, quality of education, costs of capital improvements and impact on the community. The Davenport School District is holding three public forums on the proposals:
- Wednesday, May 9, Central High School at 6PM CT.
- Tuesday, June 12, West High School at 6PM CT.
- Wednesday, September 12, North High School at 6PM CT.