We all know that going over the speed limit is against law. It's also know that usually going anything over 35 the post limited can get you a huge fine. Even jail time if the cop wanted to.

Somehow today we are looking at people who have gone 100 mph over the speed limit and still only received a fine..

These Five Car Brands have the Most Speeding Tickets

This is obviously not a list of glory. You don't want to find yourself here.

Iowa And Wisconsin Speeding Records

Iowa and Wisconsin have some record of their own, but are still lower that Illinois.

- Iowa: 122 mph in a 65 mph zone. The teen driver was given a massive $515 fine.
- Wisconsin: 175.7 mph... still lower than Illinois!

John Roman

Illinois Fastest Speeding Ticket Ever Recorded

I'd like to start by saying I'm surprised he didn't lose his license. It's reported that the fastest speed was over 180.

- Illinois:182 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. This happened on I-294 in Chicago in 2010. The driver's name is Rodney Jones, and he was only fined $375 and required to get high-risk insurance.

Police car

In Illinois, speeding is considered a criminal offense when a driver goes more than 26 miles per hour over the speed limit. This is also known as aggravated speeding, excessive speeding, or misdemeanor speeding.

maksimovichlaw.com report that these are the usual fines:
1 to 20 mph over the limit: $120 fine
21 to 25 mph over the limit: $140 fine
26 to 34 mph over the limit: Class B misdemeanor, up to six months in jail, $1,500 fine
35 mph or more over the limit: Class A misdemeanor, up to one year in jail, $2,500 fine

Looks like Jones got lucky. Remember kids DON"T SPEED.

10 Items You Cannot Legally Bring Into Illinois

Gallery Credit: Canva

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