Ghost Hunting Season Starting To Pick Up In Iowa
The warmer weather is starting to hit in Iowa which means that ghost hunting season is about to start and go strong until October here in the Midwest. Iowa is a hot spot for ghost hunting in Iowa.
Ghost Hunting In Iowa
If you live in Iowa, there are some amazing ghost-hunting spots to visit!
Many states have their own local legends, and iconic haunted spots, but Iowa has some nationally famous locations that locals can visit today. Please remember to never trespass onto these areas.
Villisca Axe Murder House
This spot is easily the most famous. It is historic and has been visited by some of the most famous ghost hunters around the world. Anyone can visit this spot.
The tragic story is as follows,
On a quiet residential street in this small town sits an old white frame house. On a dark evening, the absence of lights and sounds are the first indication to visitors that this house is different from the other homes that surround it. Upon closer inspection, you'll notice the doors and windows are tightly closed and covered. An outhouse in the backyard suggests that this house does not occupy a place in the 21st century but somehow belongs in another era or another story. A weather-beaten sign warns rather than welcomes. This is the "Murder House".
You can learn more on the website.
13 Steps
Another very well known spot locally. I've also been to many times is 13 steps, though I'd recommend making sure you are allowed there first. A few stories and legends that fill this area are that of EVP ghostly voices. Sightings of a red-eye growling dog. A witch that haunts the area, and floating orbs of light. Many of the headstones date back to the 1800s which just adds to the legends.
The "witch" legend comes from an infamous cracked tombstone,
Oakland Cemetery
Home to the menacing eight-foot-tall Black Angel statue. many say it was struck by lightning, turning it black. Others say that when people visited it they died, though no claim was ever confirmed. The family did take the angle down however due to vandalism.
Edinburgh Manor
Places like Edinburgh Manor are once again open for those who want to explore abandoned asylum.
They have openings starting in July. Their website states,
The building does not have heat or running water. There is electricity. There is a house on site that is used for the bathroom and guests may use that to sleep in. Has fridge, micro, toaster, coffee pot, stove, etc...no beds, but carpeted. Please feel free to bring air mattresses and sleeping bags.
Banwell (Terror) Bridge or Cry Babby Bridge
This one has a few rumors from a bus crashing off the bridge to a mother throwing her baby off the bridge. No matter what people think happened, some say if you stop in the middle of the bridge and put your car in neutral, an invisible force will slowly push you safely across the bridge, or even off it.
Oakdale Cemetery
A cool spot I have personally been to is Oakdale Cemetery. Graves like "Limb Of Unknown Child" and "Baby Boy Fear" have a long history of ghost stories. locals say If you stand by this section on Halloween night, you can hear the screams of the orphans.
Cresco Theatre & Opera House
Located in Cresco Iowa and reported as one of the top 10 most haunted theaters in the Midwest. The theatre opened in 1915 and offers a 100-year history of live performances and modern motion pictures. Voice are heard, and regularly seen. More unknown entities have been reported in the basement.
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