How To Go Ghost Hunting In The QCA This Summer
Let's be honest... We've all wanted to be ghost hunters at some point in time, or at least have known someone who loves a good ghost hunt. Some of us are a bit braver, or crazier than others and would love to see a ghost in a haunted building for ourselves. Iowa and Illinois are filled with spots that are haunted, and some spots even welcome people into their haunted rooms.
If you and some friends have always wanted to check a spot now is a perfect time!
Day Spots
Some of these spots can only legally be visited during the day, but they are still a great way to get your fill of spooks!
Oakdale Cemetery
Graves like "Limb Of Unknown Child" and "Baby Boy Fear" have a long history of ghost stories. locals say If you stand by this section on Halloween night, you can hear the screams of the orphans while others say it feels strange whenever you go near that area.
Scott County Bell Tower
A well-known local myth says that prisoners were hung in the prison's bell tower many years ago. Some even claim you can see a hanging body in the first window of the bell tower when walking by at night.
The Black Angel
Located at Deere tomb in Riverside Cemetery, many say it was struck by lightning, turning it black. Others say that when people touched it they died, though no claim was ever confirmed, and no death was ever reported. The family did take the angel down however making the rumors even scarier. The angel was actually taken down due to vandalism. You can still see the spot though.
Night Spots
Some spots like Edinburgh Manor are once again open for those who want to explore abandoned asylum. Edinburgh is a bit of a drive from the Quad Cities, however, so let's look at some closer spots. You can visit during the day, or even rent out a night there. You can learn more about that here.
The history alone of this spot is amazing,
The town of Edinburgh was originally the county seat of Jones County. In June 1840, the land located at section 36 in Wayne Township was originally deeded for courthouse purposes with the grant being signed by President Buchanan. Shortly after this grant the county seat was changed from Edinburgh and the commissioners kept the grant for the establishment of the County Poor Farm. Described as a "comfortable retreat for the lazy, able-bodied and willingly dependent applicants," the Poor Farm housed the poor, incurably insane and disabled. Tenants were given shelter and food for their labor. They would farm agriculture and livestock. The poor farm was in operation from 1850-1910 and in that time there were over 150+ documented deaths on the property.
Stay safe, and happy hunting!
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