Illinois Named One Of The Snobbiest States In America
If you're from Illinois I'm sorry to tell you this, but apparently, your state is snobby.
Obviously being smug or snobby is never considered a good thing. People who are smug may beg to differ. A study by Zippia claims to have the worst of the worst when it comes to the snobbiest states. Let us know what you think!
How They Got These Numbers
The key things this study looked at are as follows:
- Percent of the population with a bachelor’s degree
- Percent of degree earners with a degree in arts and humanities
- Number of Ivy League colleges
- Gallons of wine consumed yearly
First, Zippia examined education using data from the ACS. They opted to find the overall percentage of the population in each state with a college degree. They went on to say,
While there are a lot of great things with college degrees and the arts, they also do increase the rate of snobbiness, scientifically. We then decided to incorporate the number of ivy league colleges in each state. Once again, an Ivy League education is great, but there is a understandable smug factor.
They even looked at the wine numbers too.
To determine how much wine each state consumes, we took the gallons of table wine drank in each state according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
So where does Illinois land?
In the end, Illinois is the 14th Most smug place in America
Just barely in the top 15. You can learn more about Illinois' ranking on this list here. Do you agree? Let us know on our App
The Snobbiest states
Here are the top five in case you were wondering. The top five most uptight, smug, snobbiest, or whatever you want to call it are,
- Massachusetts
- Vermont
- Connecticut
- New York
- New Hampshire