Iowa and Illinois Consumers Shut Out Of Milk Settlement Money
Last Fall, a lawsuit was settled between Dairy Producers and a group called Compassion Over Killing who sued on behalf of milk consumers. The group alleged that dairy producers and co-ops had killed over 500,000 dairy cows in an effort to artificially inflate the price of milk, and in kind, yogurt, ice cream and cheese products.
The evidence presented by the Compassion Over Killing was pretty damning, and dairy producers elected to settle the lawsuit for $52 million dollars in damages.
A website called was setup where consumers who met certain criteria could sign up to receive part of the monetary award.
But, as often happens on the internet, folks only got half the story right and soon posts were appearing claiming every single milk drinker in America was entitled to cash.
The real story is that consumers in just 15 states are covered by the settlement claim, and unfortunately, Iowa and Illinois consumers aren't included.