For 45 years CBS Television has aired "The Young and the Restless" which can be seen here on CBS Television's affiliate, Local 4. Earlier today Local 4 announced they're moving the start time of the soap opera a half an hour earlier from 11:30AM CT to 11:00AM CT. Here's the post from Local 4's Facebook page:

According to "The Young and the Restless" page at the show debuted in 1973 and is in it's 45th season on CBS Television. It's been the #1 daytime drama for 28 years. (The photo above is from when the show was celebrating 20 years of being #1!)

Here's some other things you may find interesting about about the program from the website Little Things:

  • The show has won over 100 Emmy Awards.
  • After 20 years on the series, actor Jeanne Cooper became the first daytime actress to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  • The show was going to be called "The Innocent Years" until creator William J. Bell was confronted with the reality that young America had lost a lot of it's innocence. They went with "The Young and the Restless" because it reflected the mood of young America at the time.

Local 4 WHBF and Townsquare Media Quad Cities have a content share agreement. You can hear Local 4 News and Weather forecasts every morning and afternoon on  B-100 and KIIK 104.9

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