Parts of ‘KISS Alive!’ Were Recorded in Davenport
The Quad Cities has a long music history. Davenport native Bix Beiderbecke was considered the most influential jazz musician of his age.
But, did you know a piece of rock-n-roll history was recorded here in the Quad Cities?
It was on this date in 1975 that the album 'KISS Alive!' was released. 'Alive!' hit the Top 10 and stayed on the charts for 110 weeks. The album saved the band's career and is considered one of the greatest live albums of all-time.
Parts of the album were recorded right here in Davenport, though the info on where seems to be a point of contention. I have seen conflicting info as to where the shows were held.
The band's 2000 tour program lists the shows as being held at the 'Coliseum' which would be what is now called the Col Ballroom. Others have told me they attended the show and it was at the RKO Orpheum, which we know today as The Adler Theatre.
Were you at the Davenport KISS shows that ended up on the Alive album? Were were they?
Let us know in the comments.