Pritzker Says Crowd Limiting May Last Through Summer
The governor says that we may be "bending the curve" here in Illinois, but the cancellations and postponements may be here though the warm weather months.
Governor Pritzker:
Our rate of rise is looking less and less exponential, that indicates to us that we are in fact bending the curve, there is even some evidence that we may be moving towards a flatter curve - but we need to keep watching the data on a daily basis.
Even though, in the governor's words, we're "bending the curve," Pritzker says that he believes that it's unlikely that we'll be lifting the stay-at-home order before its scheduled expiration on April 30th.
And, once the order has been lifted, many people, including the governor, believe that some restrictions will be put into place to head off a spike in new COVID-19 cases. Those restrictions may take sports, and events like the 4th of July celebration and Lollapalooza off the table.
Governor Pritzker:
I think everyone needs to think seriously about cancelling large summer events. From my perspective today I don't see how we're going to have large gatherings of people until we have a vaccine which is months and months away.
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