Ways To Help Keep The Kids Distracted For Spring Break In The Quad Cities
Finding stuff to do on Spring Break is always a bit of a struggle for parents and kids alike. I have 3 younger sisters, and 2 of them are still in school. Every year my mom tries to find ways to keep them entertained for a week. If you're in that same boat hopefully, we can find something to help you out!
If you're not taking a trip this year, and you don't just want your kids to be on their phones all day, we have a list of QC events, and fun activities you can try.
Quad Cities Events:
Tween/Teen Origami Infinity Cubes: Kids can make their own origami infinity cube in this month’s craft kits for tweens and teens. Register and pick up your kit from March 14-19. Open to students in grades 6-12. Note: Registration required. Tap here for more.
Movie of the Month: Happening in Davenport, this month they will be watching "Dear Evan Hanson". Enjoy a movie, popcorn, and a beverage for $2 at CASI.
Inventor's Club: This is for kids from 3rd to 8th grade.
Inventors’ Club will introduce participants to virtual reality, taking you through real-world job simulators such as chefs, mechanics, and chemists to name a few. Students will also create designs through laser cutting, 3D printing, and Resin printer. The final project will be a stop motion animation project, which allows participants to use creative writing and skills acquired from 3D printing.
Gathering Of The Green: This is a new attraction in addition to the regular slate of extensive themed displays. The first Plow City Show will be indoors at the Iowa Building at the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds. A diverse selection of tractors, implements, hit-and-miss engines, and memorabilia will make this show a great one.

Things To Try At Home
- Try a new cookie or cake recipe. You can also film it to make it like a cooking show.
- Go camping in the living room.
- (A classic) Play board games.
- Make slime. Kids love slime! Here's how you make it.
- Teach your pet a new trick.
- Create a family tree.
- Create your own bingo cards and have a bingo tournament.
- Make a maze on the floor with tape.
- Clean out your closets. This also helps you clean!
- Write letters to family and friends.
Hopefully, you find a fun way to spend this Spring Break in the Quad Cities! You can find even more things to do by clicking here. Have fun and stay safe Quad Cities!
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