Strength Of America Cover Contest Starts In Iowa
An amazing contest is starting right here in Iowa. If you've got someone in your life who loves to sing or write, this could be the event for them. This contest revolves around the STRENGTH OF AMERICA: A Song For The Military Women’s Memorial at Arlington Cemetery.
This contest is looking for an amazing individual to cover this song.
About The Song
BMI Award Winning Songwriter and 3 Time ACM Nominee Stokes Nielson was commissioned by the Military Women’s Memorial to compose a song, Strength of America, that commemorates the 25th Anniversary of the Military Women’s Memorial at Arlington Cemetery. The song was written by Stokes Nielson with vocals by Alyssa Shouse.
We got a second to talk to Stokes Nielson about the song, and cover contest that will be taking place this year.
About the contest
The Initial cover contest will start in Iowa with a winner chosen for the song and a winner for the writing chosen.
Winners of the cover contest will have a Long Weekend Vacation in Summer of 2023 to Washington DC where they can see the Military Women’s Memorial, and enjoy a long weekend in our nation’s capital. All those that are interested please email strengthofamericasong@gmail.com.
If you are not a singer that is okay too.
For those that are not singers, but wish to share their feelings on the Strength of America, an essay of fewer than 500 words may be sent to strengthofamericasong@gmail.com for consideration. The essay should be titled, “What The Strength of America is To Me”,
One essay winner will be chosen from Iowa and will be offered the same Long Weekend Vacation in Washington DC Summer of 2023 as the cover song contest winner.
This event is truly going to be a great one!
Thank you to all the amazing men and women who have served this country.
Military Women's Memorial 25th Anniversary Program
The Women In Military Service For America Memorial, also known as Military Women's Memorial, is a memorial established by the U.S. federal government which honors women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. You can learn more here.