Supply Chain Shortages Leading to Booze Shortage Before Holiday Season
Up until now, I just figured worst-case-scenario if I couldn't get everything I needed for Christmas, at least there was going to always be alcohol for gifts (and to fill that flask before you go to your get togethers).
There's been some well known gridlock at the Port of Los Angeles, where the shipping containers holding products like toys and sneakers have been stuck offshore. Among the products affected, alcohol will be facing some shortages.
"We had 50 people waiting in line, just to see what we had coming in this morning because it's a guessing game for us, just as it is for the guest," Jake Duke, regional manager of Spec's Liquor, said. "They don't know what's coming. We don't know what's coming."
He also added that alcoholic products have been going quickly.
"We see the orders the day before, we get them in the morning," Duke said. "We put it out for sale, and they're gone by the end of the day."
Of course, the growing shortage of laborers isn't going to help the shortage at all.
Someone has to unload these boats, transport the product, unbox it at the store and put it on the shelf, and run the cash register.
Read more at ABC 7