
Apple is Slowing Our iPhones Down and I Don't Care
Apple is Slowing Our iPhones Down and I Don't Care
Apple is Slowing Our iPhones Down and I Don't Care
Apple finally admitted that yes, software updates slow the performance of our older iPhones. While many lost their minds over this admission, I admit, I yawned. I just don't care that much if my iPhone is a little slower. CNN reports that older iPhones may have battery issues that could shut the phone down in the middle of something to protect its components...
Worried About Creepy Clowns? There’s an App for That.
Worried About Creepy Clowns? There’s an App for That.
Worried About Creepy Clowns? There’s an App for That.
For months now, reports of creepy clowns lurking, and generally creeping people out have been in the news. Some parents are concerned how this will play out come Hallowe'en night. Two enterprising fellas from Montreal, Canada have created an app for that...