Wisconsin Cheese Factory Owners Gunned Down by Their Son
A Wisconsin couple that owned Union Star Cheese Factory in Fremont, Wisconsin were shot and killed in their home, apparently by their son. WGNTV
25-year-old Erik Metzig is being charged with two counts of homicide. The son of David and Jan Metzig owners of the Union Star Cheese Factory has spotted at the YMCA in Kimberly, Wi. There was reports of a strange man wandering around the parking lot, then Erik went into the shower area of the YMCA to apparently clean himself up.
When cops showed up to the YMCA there were red blood stains on his vehicle. Blood was found on the driver’s side visor and the roof liner above the driver’s seat. When the police approached him, he was wearing two-toned yellow "shooting" glasses and wanted nothing to do with the cops.
Back to the parent's, officers responded to a welfare check of the couple at cheese factory. They were nowhere to be found, so they went to their home and unfortunately found them both dead. They were wrapped in blankets with plastic bags over their heads, dead from gunshot wounds.
The search warrant also discovered an AR Platorm Rifle in the kitchen of the home.
Witnesses said the son, Erik, lived with them and should be home...Car gone, Erik at the YMCA.
Here are the charges against the son, Erik:
First Degree Intentional Homicide- Felony
- Life in prison
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