The longest-running syndicated game show in the United States, Wheel of Fortune, has been running since 1975. Back then, it looked a little bit different, and was actually originally called 'Shopper's Bazaar.' Also, the Wheel was vertical.

Well, maybe it's time to learn some other stuff about America's favorite game show.

1. Alex Trebek Hosted 'Wheel' For an April Fool's Prank

As an April Fool's Day joke, the show was hosted by Alex Trebek in 1997. The show's opening went as it normally would, except Charlie O'Donnell introduced the host differently.

"And now, here's your host, Alex Trebek!"

2. Vanna White's Favorite Fail Was A Masturbation Joke

Parade Magazine had a long interview with Vanna for the show's 6,000th episode. One of the questions asked about the contestants having epic fails at guessing that end up as viral YouTube videos. She admitted her favorite was accidentally (or not) a masturbation joke.

The answer was supposed to be "GONE WITH THE WIND," but the contestant confidently shouted out "DONE WITH ONE HAND."


3. Pat Sajak and Vanna White Were Often Drunk While Hosting In The Early Days

Back in 2012, Dan Le Batard interviewed Sajak for "Highly Quesitonable." He asked Pat if he had ever done the show a little drunk. Sajak responded pretty much what you'd imagine:

Yes. When I first started and was much younger and could tolerate those things. We had a different show then. Vanna and I would ... have two or three or six and then come and do the last shows and have trouble recognizing the alphabet. I had a great time. I have no idea if the shows were any good, but no one said anything, so I guess I did okay.


He went on to say he and Vanna would average four margaritas each.


4. Everyone On Staff Comes Up With Puzzles, Including Pat and Vanna

According to Huff Post, executive producer Harry Friedman told Great Falls Tribune that the entire staff comes up with the puzzles. He said the process is “very scientific” and are a "group effort."


Wheel of Fortune's Wiki page says misspellings and improper punctuation have happened at least a dozen times (which is pretty good for over 7,000 episodes). The puzzle with the most letters was “HERSHEY BAR GRAHAM CRACKER GOOEY ROASTED MARSHMALLOW," with 46 letters.

5. There's Only One "Wheel of Fortune" Wheel, And It's Heavier Than Hell

According to ABC News, the Wheel has 200 lights that can make two million colors and the iconic clicking noise is made by the 73 stainless steel pins that hit three rubber flappers.


There's only one Wheel in existence, and one puzzle board, so it's a big deal when they move the set from place to place. The show typically travels with about 1 million pounds of equipment.

I can't even imagine the logistical nightmare going somewhere like Hawaii would be.

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