Only A Few Days Left To Apply To Have Davenport Fix Your Broke Alley
The City of Davenport wants to remind residential and commercial property owners that they only have a few days left to apply to have their alley resurfaced and reconstructed. Many residents deal with pothole-filled alleys throughout the city, and this program is a chance to have the City help pay for most of the repair costs.

In a social media post on Tuesday, the City of Davenport reminded residents and commercial property owners they only have a few days left to apply to have their alley fixed.
The City of Davenport has a cool program where they offer a 25/75 residential and 50/50 commercial cost-share program for alley resurfacing and reconstruction. Officials say that under the program, residents and commercial entities adjacent to a common alley in poor condition can request the alley be resurfaced or reconstructed. Residents and commercial properties split the costs with the City.
If you apply and your alley gets repaired, properties are invoiced for a percentage of the work based on lot size when resurfacing/reconstruction is complete. Property owners may pay the bill within 30 days or have the cost assessed to the property, allowing property owners to spread the cost of resurfacing/reconstruction over time.
Funding under the program is on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you really need to have your alley repaired, apply ASAP. If your eligible project application is approved but exceeds available funds, your project will be rolled into the following program year.
How Do I Know If I'm Eligible?
City of Davenport officials say alleys eligible under the program must be:
- Located in the public right-of-way (no private alleys) within Davenport City limits.
- Be deemed in need of resurfacing by city engineering staff.
- A whole block.
- Under extenuating circumstances, an exception for partial alley reconstruction/resurfacing may be made if damage to the alley is in an isolated area and City Engineering staff recommend partial reconstruction/resurfacing.
- Have a denial, or opt-out, rate of less than 50% of affected property owners adjacent to the alley where work is requested.
- Approved by Council.
If you want to apply, for the 2022 program, applications for this cost-share program are accepted from June 15 to July 15 annually. Click here to find out more about the program and to submit an application.
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