8 Ways To Beat The Quad Cities Heat This Summer
We are right at the beginning of summertime in the Quad Cities. There is a lot going on this summer so people will be out at events, concerts, parties, and everything else that's happening. But before the extreme summer heat gets here we just want to remind you of the best ways to stay healthy, hydrated, and safe in the Quad Cities summer heat.

If you haven't checked the forecast yet, we have more summer heat returning to the Quad Cities starting on Monday. Highs will be in the mid to upper 90s Monday through Wednesday. The heat index values for those days will be well over 100° which can be dangerous for everyone if you're not careful.
Beating the heat can be tough sometimes but there are many ways to stay cool this summer. Before we get into the list, there are a few things you need to always remember, especially when it comes to keeping others safe, including pets and children.
Always Check The Back Seat
Kids are out of school and you're carting them around everywhere. We all get scattered brains from being busy and the heat doesn't help. The heat can also be extremely dangerous, if not deadly if you leave your child in the car. Even if you have to "run inside" to the store or your home, take your kid out of the backseat when it's so hot. Don't leave them in there with the car running. That's dangerous for many different reasons.
For those who have furry children (dogs), make sure to take them out too. Cracking the windows doesn't do much, even on a hot day.
Check On The Elderly/People Without AC
Make sure grandma and grandpa are safe and cool when it gets hot out. If you know of anyone, young or old, that is without AC, be a good friend or family member and invite them to come over to cool off.
Water Is Your Bestie
Find your favorite water bottle, cup, canteen, flask, or whatever you like to drink out of and fill it with water. Water is your best friend. Always have it on you and stay hydrated. Dehydration is very dangerous and deadly. Don't let the lack of water when it's hot be a reason you go to the hospital. This is on the list below, but two reminders never hurt.
You came here to learn about cooling off in the QC this summer. Let's get to that list.
8 Ways To Beat The Quad Cities Heat
Free Things To Do With the Fams in the QC This Summer
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