Craig’s List: 4 Things to Know – 6/19/18
The heat is over. Now comes the rain.
1 - Thunderstorms will travel through the Quad Cities for the next few days. The upside is that temps won't be so high. Your Local 4 News Pinpoint Forecast is here.
2 - Three pitchers from the River Bandits will take the mound for the Western All-Stars when the the Midwest League All-Star Game takes place tonight in Lansing, Michigan.
3 - Coke lovers will descend on the Quad Cities for their Collector's Club Convention next week. Rob has the details in a blog here on our website. Details when we do that Entertainment Thing at around 8:30am.
4 - My Craig's Question today is: What's the worst movie you've ever watched? Let me know here on our Facebook page.
Have a great Tuesday.
- Craig