Craig’s List: 4 Things to Know – 8/2/18
It's back to school time for my kid today! Yay!
1 - Today will be the last pleasant day before the heat and humidity cranks up for the weekend. Your Local 4 News Pinpoint Forecast is here.
2 - Rock Island-Milan School District students begin the school year today. That inspired my Craig's Question: What subject did you loathe in school? Let me know here on our Facebook page.
3 - I've got one final pair of tickets to see Kelly Clarkson in Cedar Rapids tomorrow night to give away at around 7:30 this morning. Listen for your cue to call-in and win.
4 - Vinyl aficionados will have a new place to indulge their hobby when Ragged Records opens a new location in Rock Island next month. Rob has the details in a blog here.
Have a great Thursday.
- Craig