Don’t Fall Victim to QC Package Thieves
Crime Stoppers of the Quad Cities reports that some residents have been the victim of packages being ripped off their front porch. So how can you stop this from happening to you? If you see strangers lurking about and acting shady, report them to your local police department. They'll check the people out. Track the packages your expecting and be home to accept them so they don't sit on your porch. You can also have the packages delivered somewhere else where you can accept them, like your workplace.
I once had a computer delivered to the radio station I worked at so it wouldn't sit on the porch. I've also required a signature for delivery of packages so they wouldn't be left if no one was home. I even had some Christmas presents delivered to a neighbors, although that was more to prevent my wife from snooping ... although... that kept it away from sticky fingers too.
I don't get porch thieves. They're just as likely to come away with socks and underwear or clothes they won't like than a brand new video game system or an iPhone. One thing is for sure, it doesn't matter what they steal, it's still a pain to be the victim of theft. Even if it is your underwear.