Food Trucks Are Back In The Quad Cities
Last year, food trucks began popping up throughout the Quad Cities. Davenport led the way with a trial program during which a dozen or so food trucks gathered together during fixed hours. It was awesome, and such a success that the city formalized a Food Truck ordinance that goes into effect tomorrow.
Some food trucks owners who participated last year told the Quad City Times that new safety requirements associated with the ordinance were too costly for them to carry on, but those food trucks who met the new requirements can be found in two fixed zones in downtown beginning tomorrow, April 1:
- Riverfront/Main Street Landing: City-owned parking lot south of West River Drive, west of South Brady Street and east of Dillon Fountain near the skybridge (6 a.m. to midnight Monday-Thursday).
- East 2nd Street/Iowa Street: Parking lane on East 2nd Street, east of Iowa Street; and the east parking lane on Iowa Street, south of East 2nd Street (3-11 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday).
WaterPark Car Wash also announced this week that they've invited food trucks to setup in their parking lot during the lunch hour to feed hungry patrons who may be sacrificing their lunch hour for a clean car.
I just love the originality, urban feel, and homemade freshness that food trucks add to the Quad Cities. What's your favorite 'street food?' Share in the comments.
- Craig