Green Your Space and Help the Quad Cities Missing Persons Network
Looking for a Mother's Day gift? Looking to green up your deck, patio or porch? May I suggest plants? On Saturday you can green your space and help the Quad Cities Missing Persons Network. The Quad Cities Missing Persons Network will be selling plants at their re-sale shop, the Treasure Chest, 2754 12th Street, Rock Island from 10AM - 5PM CT.
CEO and founder Dennis Harker says “It’s a fun day for everyone because people are inspired by spring finally arriving and everything’s blooming. Plus all of our plants are reasonably priced.” In addition Harker says there will be a variety of plants to choose from.
The Quad Cities Missing Persons Network is a nonprofit organization founded to provide guidance and support to families and friends of people who are missing and may be in extreme danger of harm or injury. For more information on the plant sale please contact the Treasure Chest at (309) 200-2084.