Is Illinois One of the Worst Places to Retire?
I don't mean to be a negative Nancy, but this article might not make you feel great if you had plans to retire any time soon.
It turns out 26 percent of all nonretired adults have no retirement savings or pension. Ready for more negative news? 25 percent of Americans will probably delay their retirement since the economic impact of COVID-19 wasn't so great.
If you're planning to retire soon anyway, you may want to rethink staying in Illinois. Here's why. It comes in at one of the worst places at #41.
WalletHub compared the 50 states and looked at affordability, health-related factors and overall quality of life. Here's how e
If you're considering retirement finances, consider relocating to a state that lets you keep more money in your pocket without requiring a drastic lifestyle change. WalletHub's study will help you determine the best states to retire, factoring in affordability, health-related factors and overall quality of life. Find the study here.
KEEP READING: See the richest person in every state