It's that time of year where many of us ask the question: Do I get a flu shot? There are those of us, like me, who believe it keeps us healthy. Then there are those who believe a flu shot will immediately lead to getting the flu. If you're pro flu shot the Rock Island Health Department has some walk in flu shot clinics scheduled:

  • Every Tuesday in October between 9AM - 4PM CT at the Rock Island County Health Department, 2112 25th Avenue, Rock Island
  • October 3, 2018 from 2-6 p.m. at Andalusia Township Ambulance Barn, 220 6th Ave. W, Andalusia
  • October 5, 2018 from 10 a.m. to noon at Rock Island Township Offices, 2827 7thAve., Rock Island
  • October 10, 2018 from 9-11 a.m. at South Rock Island Township offices, 1019 27thAve., Rock Island
  • October 11, 2018 from 9-11 a.m. at Coal Valley Township offices, 900 1st St., Coal Valley
  • October 16, 2018 from 1-3:30 p.m., Blackhawk Township offices, 230 W. 4th St., Milan
  • October 23, 2018 from 1-3 p.m., Port Byron Township at the Village Hall, 120 S. Main St., Port Byron

There's no out of pocket expense to those with Medicare Part B or an Illinois Medicaid card. Most Blue Cross, UnitedHealth Care, Health Alliance, Aetna, Coventry/First Health, HFN, HealthLink, and Humana insurance plans are accepted. Please bring all your insurance cards to the clinic with you.

Cost without insurance is $30. High dose vaccines for seniors are $50. Visa and Mastercard are accepted. For more information on Rock Island County Health Department flu clinics click here.


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