New Laws Take Effect in Illinois January 1
We're all pretty happy to say goodbye to 2020, but as we look forward, here are some new laws that take effect January 1 in Illinois.
Minimum Wage Increase
The minimum wage in Illinois is going up again in the new year. Starting Jan. 1, the statewide minimum wage will increase from $10 to $11 an hour, the third increase so far in a staggered plan that will ultimately end with the minimum wage reaching $15 per hour in 2025.
Cap on Insulin Costs
Senate Bill 667 caps out-of-pocket insulin costs at $100 per month for all patients using a state-regulated insurance plan. The measure makes Illinois the second state in the U.S. to limit prescription insulin co-pays.
Address Confidentiality for Victims of Domestic Violence Act
This law gives victims and survivors of the multiple forms of domestic violence the ability to create a substitute address to be used in matter of public records, such as driver's licenses or state IDs, in place of their real location, to make it harder for perpetrators to locate them.
Use of DNA for Missing Persons Cases
House Bill 2708 establishes a process by which law enforcement can use DNA in attempting to locate and identify a missing person. The measure allows law enforcement agencies to collect DNA samples of a missing person or to try and create a reference sample from family members - both of which are not allowed under the new law to be retained once the person has been located or identified. The law also adds the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System to the list of laws that agencies can work with when trying to locate a missing person.
No New Income Tax Brackets
According to this is worth mentioning. Senate Bill 687 was scheduled to take effect in the new year, but it no longer will. Keep an eye on this because it's an issue that will no doubt come up in 2021. This measure would have created new income tax brackets if the constitutional amendment to switch to a graduated tax structure had passed in the November election.
Here's a list of laws that went into effect in Illinois at the beginning of 2020.