No Power? Prepare to Wait a Few Days
The Scott County Emergency Management Team held a press conference this morning and included an update from MidAmerican Energy.

According to a QC Times report, power spokespeople say it could take up to three or more days for power to be restored in the Quad City area.
OurQuadCities posted a video from this morning's update. A MidAmerican spokesman said additional crews are coming to our area from Colorodo, Kansas and Nebraska to help with clean up and restore power.
Cleanup from the storm is expected to day several more days. Davenport Public Works suggest to do what you can to collect debris. City waste disposal schedules for today are canceled. Collection will continue in many area a day or more late.
As with any storm, check in on the elderly or neighbors and help when you can.
Limbs placed for collection should not be longer than 5 feet or weight more than 50 lbs.
Many streetlights are out. City officials remind us to treat intersections with as 4 way stops. Take your time. Don’t drive around barricades. Be aware there are still downed power lines and hazardous construction drop-offs.
Also be aware of non-reputable companies approaching you for tree removal and repair services. Only allow credible, bonded companies to complete work on your property.
QC Times is also reporting 340,000 Mediacom customers are also without service. Many times the cable companies must wait for power crews to complete their service before they can restore internet and television service.
Be careful out there. The sun is shining, but there's still plenty of work to do.
QC Storm Damage
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