Quad Cities New Favorite Way To Eat Girl Scout Cookies… With Wine!
When you think of pairing something with wine, you normally think of cheeses, meats, or fruits. Or you could do a combination of the three and make what millennials like me like to make, a charcuterie board.
One thing I thought you never thought about pairing wines with, is Girl Scout Cookies. That is a new trend that's going around. People are throwing in person, and virtual, Girl Scout Cookies and wine paring parties.

Let's be honest, there is two things that everyone has in common. We've been very bored over the past year, and we've al secretly wanted to be a wine sommelier. During the pandemic, people have come up with creative ways to entertain themselves. Even though that light at the und of the COVID tunnel is getting brighter, the creativity level of people is still super high.
My boss Ryan told me about a little wine party he and his wife were throwing that had a little twist to it. His wife found this trend on the internet where people are pairing wines with Girl Scout Cookies. After telling me about it, I of course had to look it up to find out if this was actually a thing. Sure enough, it's a pretty big trend right now.
Girl Scout Cookies and wine pairing parties are so trendy, you can actually buy sheets on the internet to tell you exactly what cookies go with what wines. Because we're KIIK 104.9 we'll do you a solid and put a few different sheets you can print off to throw your own in person, or virtual, Girl Scout Cookies and wine pairing party!
When, not if, but when you throw this party, send us pics and tell us how it went!
**To print these off normally and not print off this entire article, right click on the sheet you want to print and click "Open image in new tab" to print!**
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