The University of Iowa is a Leader In The Fight Against COVID-19
It was about year ago when signs of COVID-19 spreading beyond China started to come to light. Now, with the world still in the grip of the pandemic, Iowans can be proud to know their university is a national leader in the fight against the disease.
According to the University of Iowa, COVID-19 research, treatments, care, and the vaccine—including clinical trials for plasma treatments, the Remdesivir drug treatment, and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine have all taken place at the university hospital. UI Health Care is now administering the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to its employees and will soon begin a clinical trial for a new vaccine from Novavax.
“Having coordinated our part of this clinical trial and seen firsthand how our participants have fared, I can assure you that all the data tells us that this is a highly effective and safe vaccine,” Winokur says. “When my turn comes to receive the vaccine, I will absolutely be rolling up my sleeve to get it.”
While there is still a lot to be done, by doctors, researchers and everybody to return to normal, it is great to see the strides being made by folks right in our own backyard.
Check out the vide from day 1 of vaccinations at the University of Iowa Hospital.
For full information on what the University of Iowa is doing to fight COVID-19 check out their full website of information here.

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