There Is A Tragic Murder Site Hidden In An Iowa’ Prairie
Plenty of people and news sources have talked about this spot since the horrible murders took place in 1973. This again is a tragic story that I personally had never heard about. For something that was so big when it happened, I was stunned that I had never heard the story of this terrible incident.
Some sources claim it is one of the "creepiest spots in Iowa." Personally, I think that is an understatement. They also claim that it is abandoned.
The Story of Gitchie Manitou State Preserve
The history of the abandoned murder site at Gitchie Manitou State Preserve in Lyon County, Iowa is tragic and it's sad that four teenagers were killed on a night in November 1973.
Please note there is a trigger warning with this story.
The short report of the story is as follows,
On the evening of November 17, 1973, five teenagers from Sioux Falls, South Dakota were attacked by a group of three brothers. Four of the teenagers were killed and one was kidnapped and raped.
Thankfully the three brothers who did this terrible act were brought to justice. The Fryers brothers were given life in prison for their actions.
Another sad thing to note is how beautiful this spot is.
It had a loved history before this tragic incident. There were 17 conical mounds built by the Native Americans. Only in your state reported that this spot was made even more beautiful,
stagecoaches that traversed this prairie in the 1880s or the rock quarry here at the turn of the century or the Conservation Corp workers who built a stone shelter in the 1930s.
This spot is still open for hiking today, but it isn't as popular like other trails. Some reviews summed it up well,
"Blocked off walkway, no clear hiking paths visable from the parking area. It was covered in graffiti. Disappointing!!! " -Lissa Hendricks
Perhaps Only In Your State said it best,
And yet, balancing its horrific history is the endless prairie beauty, serene river, and stately rock outcrops that make this remote preserve an ironically peaceful place to explore.
Have you visited this spot before? Is it truly abandoned as other sources say? let us know on our app.