This Is Iowa’s Favorite Christmas Treat
It's the holiday season meaning people have Christmas on their minds. Soon we will be eating great food with family and friends. So what do you eat after that great food? What is your go-to Christmas dessert?
We've got the answer for Iowa's favorite Christmas treat.
How They Got These Numbers
Zippia is a resource site for job seekers and used 'Google Trends' to find out each state’s favorite holiday treat.
By using things people not only search for, but by finding trends, buying history, clicked links, and more, places like Zippia can find out what each state loves. For today's study, those things just happen to be Christmas treats.
The most popular treats
The most popular treats this holiday season in America are as follows,
- cheesecake
- cookies
- "candy"
- Pudding
- Christmas Trifle
In total 20 states like cakes, while 12 want candy and 10 need cookies. Pudding and Christmas Trifle also showed up on this list.
And yes some more iconic Christmas treats made it onto the list. fruitcake is a favorite of Carolina. Some places also went with the classics like Gingerbread.

Iowa's Favorite Christmas Treat
According to Zippia Iowa's favorite teat is Oreo balls. I absolutely love oreo balls, so as an Iowan this makes sense... though I never saw it as a strictly Christmas treat.
It also looks like Iowa is one of the only states who picked Oreo balls, so hey go us. We have great taste.
Other nearby states like Wisconsin love Andes Peppermint. While others enjoy pudding, and cookies, and not just any cookies, but vegan cookies.
Did your favorite Holiday treat make it onto this list? If so what state is it the most popular in? Let us know on our app.