Top 5 Safety Tips to Keep QCA Kids Safe on Halloween
These ridiculously easy and genius ways to keep your kids safe in the Quad Cities, will leave you feeling much more relaxed about Halloween.
When I was visiting my sister this week, I swear I have never loved her brilliant strokes of pure genius, more than I have this Halloween. My sister is creative in ways that I can hardly describe. She can make a costume out of a cardboard box, literally, and make it one of those things you only wished you have thought of. You know the type.
She showed me the unbelievably easy and affordable hack she did for her kids' halloween costumes. Battery-operated poster board lights from a dollar store is what she used to light up her kiddo's costumes so they are easily seen.
There are a few other really easy and mindful ways to keep your children safe that you may not have thought of. Here are 5 tips to remember on Halloween from SafeKids.org: