6 Things People Visiting Quad Cities Need To Know
- Google Maps
Google Maps 1River Flows East - West
The Quad Cities is the only location where the Mississippi River runs east west. It can be a little confusing when giving directions to someone from out of town.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 2Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread?
Well maybe not but if you love your sliced bread you owe a small part of that to the Quad Cities. The first electric bread slicer was invented in Davenport.
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How Many Cities Are There Anyway
Want to kick off a major debate? Ask anyone how many cities really comprise the Quad Cities. Most seem to agree that it is actually five. Davenport, Bettendorf, Rock Island, Moline AND East Moline. But what about Milan, Silvis, Colona? The debate is not likely to be resolved anytime soon.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 4There Is A Truck Eating Bridge
The train underpass at Harrison and 5th has long been a consumer of trucks that are taller than it's 11'8" clearance. After early warning height indicators were installed the number of accidents dropped dramatically. If you are considering a do-it-your-self UHaul move here we would recommend that you avoid this street.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 5Quad City Pizza Is Really A Thing
Quad Cities Pizza is a unique recipe made even more unique when it is cut in strips instead of slices.
Quad Cities is also acknowledged as the place where taco pizza was created. First tried by Happy Joe Whitty in his Pizza Parlor now nearly every pizza chain offers their version of Joe's creation.
- Google Maps
Google Maps 6You Eat A Magic Mountain?
Locals, Presidents and everyone in between have been to the Ross' 24 Hour Restaurant in Bettendorf for a Magic Mountain. Road construction moved them to a new location awhile back but the food is just as good. The Magic Mountain is a piece of Texas Toast, topped with loose ground beef, french fries or hash browns and topped with cheese. Yummy.
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