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Fireworks background for 4th of July

Add the city of Bettendorf to the list of towns and cities cancelling their 4th of July celebrations, but are postponing their fireworks.

The city of Bettendorf announced on social media on Wednesday that they will be cancelling their 4th of July parade. Fireworks in Bettendorf are postponed.

In the post, the city said,

This year's 4th of July parade or festival have been cancelled. Fireworks have been postponed. There will be no fireworks on the 4th of July.

The city said on its website that he City Council was going to discuss the 4th of July festivities at the next Committee of the Whole and City Council meeting. Those meetings were held on Monday, June 15th and Tuesday, June 16th. The announcement to cancel the 4th of July festivities was given Wednesday morning.

There has been no word on when the fireworks in Bettendorf will be scheduled to be shot off.

The city of Davenport announced on Tuesday that they will be shooting their fireworks off on July 3rd. Because of Red, White and Boom being cancelled, Davenport Mayor Mike Matson created a new event called Star-Spangled Extravaganza. This will be held on the Davenport Riverfront on July 3rd at 9:30 p.m.

Clinton will also still have their 4th of July Festival. Everything in Clinton will continue according to plan, and you can find more details by clicking here.

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