Craig’s List: 4 Things to Know – 7/10/18
It's National Pina Colada day. Cue Rupert Holmes.
1 - It will be hot, but less humid than yesterday. Enjoy it, because the humidity machine cranks up again at week's end. Your Local 4 News Pinpoint Forecast is here.
2 - Are you planning on taking in some golf at the John Deere Classic this week? Rob has a blog with some things you should know here.
3 - Fair season gets underway in the region with the opening of the Mercer County Fair in Aledo today. Details and some entertainment juice when we do That Entertainment Thing at around 8:35am.
4 - Iowa is planning on issuing digital driver's licenses next year that you'd carry on your phone instead of having a card. Do you think this is a good idea? That's my Craig's Question today. Let me know your thoughts on our Facebook page.
Have a great Tuesday.
- Craig