Craig’s List: 4 Things to Know – 8/14/18
It's the middle of August already!
1 - Increasing clouds will result in rain for most of the Quad Cities area by this evening. Your Local 4 news Pinpoint Forecast is here.
2 - I've got tickets to see The Riverfront Pops salute to the Beach Boys this Saturday night for you to win at about 7:30am. Listen for your cue to call-in and win.
3 - The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin is reported to be resting and in good spirits after reports she was gravely ill. We're keeping an eye on her condition, and we'll hear some Aretha tracks this morning.
4 - I'm back from vacation, and I got to wondering if you use up all your vacation time, or do you leave days on the table? That's my Craig's Question. Let me know here on our Facebook page.
Have a great Tuesday.
- Craig