Drive-In Theaters Around The Quad Cities Are Now Open
There are some incredible drive-in theaters around the Quad Cities area, and they are all open now for summer. Today we are going to take a look at four drive-ins and show you what they've got for the 2021 season.
This year has some great new ideas, and events for some theater.
61 Drive-In Theater: Located at 1228 US-61, Delmar, IA 52037. They are celebrating 71 years of operation. Last year during the pandemic they were open, and were one of my favorite spots to visit. This year they have all the family friendly actives their guest love. These include, train rides, swing sets, volleyball, and many other things along with great movies. You can see future movies, and show times here.
Blue Grass Drive-In: Located at 774 W Mayne St, Blue Grass, IA 52726. Blue Grass Drive-In is beginning our 7th full year, and is excited to see you again. They just added a fourth projector for the 2021 season! The also have birthday packages, private events, and private viewing boxes. You can see future movies, and show times here.
The Midway Drive-In: Located at 91 Palmyra Road Sterling, Illinois 61021. Referred to as "Illinois coolest drive-in" The Midway Drive-In opened in 1950 in Sterling, Illinois and has been in operation ever since. The Midway Drive-In is considered a genuine historical landmark by many. You can see future movies, and show times here.
Galesburg Blue Moonlight Drive-In Theater: Located at 2875 W Main St, Galesburg, IL 61401. Across the way From Farm King. They hosted live events on their Facebook, and are excited for another great year. It is a truly unique and fun experience. You can learn more here.

There are a great number of other drive in theaters, but they may be a bit more of a drive. You can find those here. If you and the family are looking for a fun time together with a unique twist, drive-in theaters are always a great idea!