Student Who Allegedly Tried to Murder Teacher Used Dad’s Gun
The twelve year old who is accused of trying to murder his social studies teacher used a gun his father illegally owned. This according to a story in the Quad City Times.
Scott County Sheriff Tim Lane told the Quad City Times the father of the boy, Joseph Andrews III, had six guns in the house including the one the boy tried to use. Andrews, isn't allowed the right to have any guns because he's a convicted felon and federal and state laws prohibit that. Additionally Sheriff Lane told the Times that the guns were in an unlocked gun cabinet and were easily accessible by his son.
Andrews made his first court appearance Monday and a preliminary hearing in his case is set for January 25. Andrews could face another felony charge for the weapons which carries a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison.
Mr. Andrews alleged illegal gun ownership and his carelessness in storing his guns may very well cost him. I hope it does. It's going to cost his son much, much, more. If he obeyed the law it might not have cost either of them anything.