An Extra Item In Your Grocery Cart Can Help Those In Need
The Rock Island Police Department is accepting item donations through October to help two area nonprofits that in turn help those in need.
The department announced on its Facebook page staff are collecting toiletries, clothing and household items for Christian Family Care Center and Q.C. Heart of Hope. The drive will last until the end of the month.
- Men's and women's deodorant.
- Soap and body wash.
- Shampoo and conditioner.
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste.
- Feminine hygiene products.
- Men's and women's disposable razors.
- Diapers and baby wipes.
- Men's underwear in medium and small.
- 39-gallon garbage bags.
- Paper towels
- 6-ounce Styrofoam cups.
- Toilet paper
- 13-gallon white garbage bags.
The two nonprofits help the homeless or others in need. More about them can be found at: and at