Headaches Ahead as John Deere Road Rebuild Begins Next Week
I shouldn't complain about traffic in a town where it really only takes about 20 minutes to get from one end to the other. When I lived in Toronto, Canada, it used to take me 45 minutes to get to work - a whole distance of 9 miles.
All that aside, I hate having to drive along either Kimberly Road in Davenport, or John Deere Road in Moline. It's so s-l-o-w.
A project that hopes to alleviate congestion on John Deere Road begins soon. Next week, construction starts on a two-year project that will widen the road from four lanes to six - three lanes in either direction. During that time, all traffic will be routed to one side of the road while the other is torn up and rebuilt. At times that will restrict traffic to one-lane in either direction.
This certainly won't make John Deere Road any better to navigate in the short term, and I'm not convinced it will help long term either. IMHO, it's not more lanes that are needed. Folks just need to go the speed limit to avoid congestion. I often end up behind drivers going 35mph in a posted 55mph. When the road and it's lights and controls are designed for a higher speed, congestion caused by slow drivers can be exacerbated quickly.
Still, I guess it's still better than taking 45 minutes to go nine miles.
- Craig